lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

RSOE EDIS: USA - Biological Hazard - 2010.02.01


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-02-01 21:04:04 - Biological Hazard - USA

EDIS CODE: BH-20100201-24764-USA
Date & Time: 2010-02-01 21:04:04 [UTC]
Area: USA, State of Oregon, Coastal areas,

Not confirmed information!


Giant squid weighing up to 60 pounds have invaded the waters off Newport Beach and are being caught by sport fishermen by the hundreds. The squid showed up in Orange County's coastal waters last week and anglers started booking twilight fishing trips over the weekend to catch them. The animals weigh between 20 and 40 pounds, but a few fishermen have reeled in 60-pound creatures. The Humboldt squid, also called the jumbo squid or jumbo flying squid, squirts ink to protect itself and can grow up to 100 pounds and 6 feet long. They follow food sources and have also recently been spotted off San Diego, Oregon and Washington. Robert Woodbury, manager at Newport Landing Sportfishing, says anglers in Orange County have caught about 400 of the big creatures since Friday night.

The name of Hazard: Giant Squids [Humboldt squid] Invades

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