jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

RSOE EDIS: Chile - Epidemic Hazard - 2010.04.02


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-04-02 05:10:06 - Epidemic Hazard - Chile

EDIS CODE: EH-20100402-25561-CHL
Date & Time: 2010-04-02 05:10:06 [UTC]
Area: Chile, Capital City, Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Chile, Santiago

Event exciting : The patient\'s infection occurred in the southern part of the country. (Earthquakes affected area)
Number of Infected person(s): 1
Not Affected Foreign Citizen(s)!

Not confirmed information!


A man of 28 years remains in an extremely critical state, the 1st confirmed hantavirus infection case detected in the capital. The patient, who is a teacher in the Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Chile and a doctoral student in medical sciences was infected in the southern areas of the country while working to help victims of the earthquake. The Chief of the Critical Care Unit, Clinical Hospital, University of Chile, Dr Rodrigo Cornejo, stated that the condition of the patient is extremely serious. He is on ventricular assistance and extracorporeal oxygenation, that is to say with support of his cardiac and respiratory functions. In Chile, the etiological agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is Andes hantavirus. The most important mode of transmission is by inhalation of aerosols from dried feces, urine and saliva of carrier rodents. The disease presents initially with symptoms similar to the common cold with high fever, muscular pain and headache. To prevent infection in the population by a hantavirus in rural areas, it is recommended that areas in buildings that have been closed for a long time be ventilated for 30 minutes before entering them. Then spray the soil and floors and surfaces with water and bleach. The population must maintain the exterior areas around houses and outbuildings free of weeds and trash. The outbuildings must be ventilated and maintained in good order, without discarded materials. Also, it is vital to maintain food and water out of the reach of rodents, always stored in hermetically sealed containers.

The name of Hazard: Andes Hantavirus
Species: Human
Status: Confirmed

This blog offers a compilation of recent news and world events given by RSOE-Emergency and Disaster Information Service, Reuters News Agency, BBC News , CNN International and Al Jezeera News