miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

RSOE EDIS: Italy - Enviroment Pollution - 2010.02.24


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-02-24 18:02:46 - Enviroment Pollution - Italy

EDIS CODE: ED-20100224-25059-ITA
Date & Time: 2010-02-24 18:02:46 [UTC]
Area: Italy, Province of Monza, Lombarda Petroli, Villasanta

Damage level: Heavy (Level 3)

Not confirmed information!


The Po River suffered an environmental disaster caused by sabotage at a former refinery north of Milan, where a large amount of oil was spilled. The spill began around Monza in northern Italy, causing an oil slick that, after advancing by the Lambro River, reached the Po, the largest river in the country. Thus the Lambro river “suffers a major disaster in its ecosystem and it will pay the consequences for a long time,” the environmental organization Legambiente said. This all began on Tuesday at 4 am (Italian time) when someone deliberately caused the spill of Lombard refinery Petroli of Villasanta tanks, in the province of Monza. Hundreds of animals, especially birds, have died, affected by the fetid oil slick of several kilometers. “The amount of spilled oil reaches at least 1,000 m3, but is probably much more important,” said the spokeswoman of Civil Protection and the Regional Agency for Lombard Environmental Protection (ARPA), Monica Maccarini.

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