domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

RSOE EDIS: Australia - Epidemic Hazard - 2010.03.28


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-03-28 16:17:22 - Epidemic Hazard - Australia

EDIS CODE: EH-20100328-25493-AUS
Date & Time: 2010-03-28 16:17:22 [UTC]
Area: Australia, State of Victoria, Monash University, Clayton

Not confirmed information!


Victoria's largest university has warned staff and students to watch for flu-like symptoms after an outbreak of legionnaire's disease. Monash University's Clayton campus has been linked to the disease after a contract worker was diagnosed last week. It was not clear exactly where the worker contracted the disease, which can be deadly, particularly in the young and the elderly. All of the campus's airconditioner cooling towers were being tested and officials have told staff and students to seek medical advice if they have been ill recently. The university said its monthly testing program had not detected elevated bacteria levels, and the results of the new tests were expected in about 10 days. Victoria's Chief Health Officer declined to comment, but a spokesman for the Department of Human Services said he did not believe it was a serious outbreak.

The name of Hazard: Legionnaire\'s disease
Species: Human
Status: Suspected

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