sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

RSOE EDIS: USA - Vehicle Incident - 2009.12.26


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2009-12-26 20:58:30 - Vehicle Incident - USA

EDIS CODE: VIV-20091226-24325-USA
Date & Time: 2009-12-26 20:58:30 [UTC]
Area: USA, State of Alaska, En Route from Los Angeles,CA (USA) to Seoul Incheon (South Korea),

Damage level: Moderate (Level 2)

Confirmed Information!


An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200, registration HL7500 performing flight OZ-203 from Los Angeles,CA (USA) to Seoul Incheon (South Korea), was enroute at FL360 about 850nm west of Anchorage,AK (USA) approximate position N58 W177, when the crew needed to shut down an engine (PW4090) and drift down to FL200. The crew decided to divert to Anchorage, where the airplane landed safely on runway 07R 3 hours later. Initially sent to gate N5 the gate assignment was changed to N8 on the other side of the terminal building at a point, where the airplane could no longer maneouver on its own and needed to be towed to the gate.

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