miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

RSOE EDIS: Mozambique - Flash Flood - 2010.01.27


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


2010-01-27 19:35:52 - Flash Flood - Mozambique

EDIS CODE: FF-20100127-24713-MOZ
Date & Time: 2010-01-27 19:35:52 [UTC]
Area: Mozambique, Capital City, , Maputo

Damage level: Moderate (Level 2)

Not confirmed information!


Torrential rain has brought misery to much of Maputo and the neighbouring city of Matola, inundating poor and low lying neighbourhoods. According to a source in the country's relief agency, the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC), contacted by AIM late Wednesday morning, about 100 millimetres of rain fell in Maputo in the previous ten hours. Poor neighbourhoods are regularly swamped by storms that bring less than 50 millimetres of rain. The INGC has responded by sending emergency teams into the Maputo suburbs, reporting back by radio every 15 minutes. Water invaded many homes, as their residents slept. Frantically, people tried to throw up barricades to divert the waters, or resorted to buckets to remove the water from their bedrooms. Thanks to Maputo's woefully inadequate drainage system, the main roads in the city have become rivers, and driving along them is hazardous. The drainage channels along the road leading to the airport have been unable to cope with such heavy rain, and have overflowed, so that the road is under several centimetres of water.

This blog offers a compilation of recent news and world events given by RSOE-Emergency and Disaster Information Service, Reuters News Agency, BBC News , CNN International and Al Jezeera News