jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

RSOE EDIS - Situation Update No. 1 : USA - Nuclear Event


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


Situation Update No. 1

Ref.no.: NC-20100409-25619-USA

Situation Update No. 1
On 2010-04-09 at 03:17:13 [UTC]

Event: Nuclear Event
Location: USA State of Alabama Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Athens


Tennessee Valley Authority officials say lightly radioactive water leaked from a tank at the Browns Ferry nuclear plants. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Thursday the problem wasn't classified as an emergency and no one was hurt. The leak Wednesday was stopped and the dirt into which the water soaked was collected to be sent to a containment facility in Utah. The spill occurred at one of the five large tanks that supply water to the turbines generating steam for the plant's three nuclear reactors. Don Jernigan with TVA says less than 1,000 gallons of tritium water leaked out because of a valve problem in the top of the tank. He said that's about 1/100th of the radioactive material found in an exit sign at a movie theater.

This blog offers a compilation of recent news and world events given by RSOE-Emergency and Disaster Information Service, Reuters News Agency, BBC News , CNN International and Al Jezeera News