domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

RSOE EDIS - Situation Update No. 3 : United Kingdom - Biological Hazard


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


Situation Update No. 3 BH-20100408-25614-GBR

Situation Update No. 3
On 2010-04-12 at 05:13:37 [UTC]

Event: Biological Hazard
Location: United Kingdom Coastal areas


Billions of highly venomous jellyfish are swarming into Britain's coastal waters for the first time recently. It is thought to be caused by a recent temperature rise and currents change in the northeast Atlantic sea, according to a study published in the journal Biology Letters Monday. The lethal mauve stingers - Pelagia noctiluca in Latin - are tiny but can cover hundreds of thousands of square miles in one “bloom." They are normally found in the Mediterranean and Caribbean. The creatures can devastate fish farms and in one recent case 100,000 salmon were killed. People bathing in British waters are in no grave danger at present, according to Richard Kirby, a research fellow at the University of Plymouth.

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