domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

RSOE EDIS - Situation Update No. 6 : South Africa - Epidemic Hazard


RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

Budapest, Hungary


Situation Update No. 6 EH-20100310-25260-ZAF

Situation Update No. 6
On 2010-03-29 at 05:46:00 [UTC]

Event: Epidemic Hazard
Location: South Africa MultiStates Free State and Northern Cape

Number of Deads: 1 person(s)
Number of Infected: 63 person(s)


Three more people have been infected with Rift Valley Fever (RVF), bringing the total to 63 of laboratory confirmed human cases, the department of health said on Saturday. Spokeswoman Charity Bhengu said of the 63 cases of infected people, 54 cases and two deaths were from Free State, four in Eastern Cape and five in Northern Cape. "Direct contact with RVF-infected livestock and or linked to farms with confirmed animal cases of RVF, remain the main risk factor for the infection. The human cases are farmers, veterinarians and farm workers. Additional suspect cases are currently being tested." Rift valley fever is a viral disease that can cause severe disease in a low proportion of infected humans. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and causes outbreaks of abortion and deaths of young livestock such as sheep, goats and cattle. "It is important to note that, humans become infected from contact with infected tissues of livestock and less frequently from mosquito bites," said Bhengu. Seventy thousand animals have been vaccinated in Free State to contain the spread of the virus, according to the department of agriculture. The outbreak investigations by the department of health and the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries were continuing, supported by the SA Field Epidemiology and Training Programme (SA-FELTP) and NICD. The first human victim of the sickness was identified in the Free State on February 13. Since then, the illness has been primarily clustered within the Lejweleputswa District and Bultfontein area of the Free State. Animal infections had rapidly spread to most districts with spill over into the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, North West and Gauteng.

This blog offers a compilation of recent news and world events given by RSOE-Emergency and Disaster Information Service, Reuters News Agency, BBC News , CNN International and Al Jezeera News